Welcome, Florists.

We are so glad you found our farm. We are growing premium cut flowers for your floristry design and we are ecstatic to offer our blooms to you.

The main reason we began growing specialty cut flowers is because we couldn’t find the colors, and textures, and varieties we hoped to see at the market. From one florist to another, we can agree that importing flowers can be problematic for a multitude of reasons. Some flowers just don’t ship well because they are delicate or they have limited vase life. Local flower farms, as you may know, are great resources for unique flowers. Our flower farm is looking for those pockets at the wholesale markets and wanting to fill them with our sustainable, earth friendly blooms.


  • We grow a rotating crop of annuals, along with perennials, woody shrubs, grasses, peonies, lavender, and bulbs. Our main crop is garden roses.

    We grow over 400 rose bushes at our farm. Our rose hedges have anywhere from 15 to 27 repeated varieties and have most colors sought after by wedding designers.. from white, to taupe. to muted pastels, to bright tones. We practice color repetition to allow us to constantly catch different bloom times. Garden roses tend to be shorter stemmed, with shorter vase life, but blooms are large and highly fragrant making it a luxe addition to design work.

  • We grow seasonally, and our growing season is from late March to early November. We do not have heated greenhouses at this time. Different flowers flush at different times, so reach out to us for your color preferences and we will do our best to accommodate. Please contact us well in advance of when you require flowers to see what will be available.

  • We tend to lean more toward pastels and have some accent blooms in bright colors. We grow a little bit of every color!

  • Complete the order form below that includes what stem quantity you need, colors or variety preferences, and the date it’s needed by.

    We will need your business’ RRMC and a completed wholesale account form for our records.